Turkish CEMSAN instant heater, 9 kilo watts

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Special Price 8,650 EGP Regular Price 11,060 EGP
Turkish CEMSAN instant heater, 9 kilo watts •Capacity 9 kg •There are 3 power levels: 9 kW, 6 kW and 3 kW •Water pressure reaches 5 liters/min, depending on the water pressure •Temperature up to 55°C •The heater saves about 75% of electricity compared to other heaters •Energy level rating: Class A •Dimensions: Length: 45 cm / Width: 24 cm / Depth: 10 cm •It is considered the smallest heater in the world, with the ability to cover a adjacent bathroom and kitchen with a maximum of 5 metres •Requires certified 6mm 3-prong power cable and on-board 40 amp 3-way automatic switch •Works with 220 volt electricity (single phase) •Works with minimal water pressure •Two years warranty •made in Turkey

•القدره 9 كيلوTurkish CEMSAN instant heater, 9 kilo watts
•Capacity 9 kg
•There are 3 power levels: 9 kW, 6 kW and 3 kW
•Water pressure reaches 5 liters/min, depending on the water pressure
•Temperature up to 55°C
•The heater saves about 75% of electricity compared to other heaters
•Energy level rating: Class A
•Dimensions: Length: 45 cm / Width: 24 cm / Depth: 10 cm
•It is considered the smallest heater in the world, with the ability to cover a adjacent bathroom and kitchen with a maximum of 5 metres
•Requires certified 6mm 3-prong power cable and on-board 40 amp 3-way automatic switch
•Works with 220 volt electricity (single phase)
•Works with minimal water pressure
•Two years warranty
•made in Turkey 

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Country of Manufacture Turkey
Color White
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